The beauty of the waterfall pales in comparison to my minds image of you

The cascade falling from the mountain top seem to be bringing a message of hope for me

With each glistening droplet that dances and shimmers as it fall from way up high

Are like the tears of love I cry when I sit and think of how perfect our love used to be

Your very love, your very being, was what made my life worth living

Your gentle touch your sparkling eyes the songs you sang me i still can hear

Your voice would charm the songbirds and make them come down from the trees to listen

Oh my darling oh how I need you and and want once more to hold you near

It seems to me that when nature created this beautiful scene it was meant to include you

I see your face in every flower and tree that adds to the splendour of this waterfall

And with ever rustle of the trees i hear the sound of your sighing as you made love to me

And as the water passes through my fingers i can feel you reaching out as your memories of me you recall

My waterfall once a thing of beauty, now to me will ever be

The merging of a billion tears that come from lands throughout the world

From lonely broken hearted souls who are crying just like me.

Don Woods

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